Friday, December 14, 2007

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day DEC 2007

I am glad its here again, another gardening blogger’s bloom day. With steadily dipping temperatures, a morning stroll amidst the flowers is warming enough to prepare for the day ahead. Present maximum temperatures are hovering around in the range of 16-18 degree C, while the minimum dips down to 6-9 degrees- Not bad for blooms yet. Coming days might see a frost cover which will spell doom for the bloom but as of now there is reason enough to be cheerful about. With these sentiments I enlist the blooms at Indiagarden: Plumeria Alba Plumeria rubra Mustard Buddha Belly Plant or Jatropha Podagrica Rose Chrysanthemum Squash Marigold Poinsettia Salvia Splendens or the Scarlet Sage The dull grey of winters is knocking at the doors but thankfully, as of now, there are colors in my garden. May be by the next GBBD I’ll have to be content with the colorful memories, snuggling up in front of the television, enjoying a hot cup of coffee.


Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

So far your winter garden looks very colourful, dear Green Thumb. Love the Buddha Belly Plant if only for its name!

The temperatures you're experiencing now sounds very agreeable to me. How cold does it get where you live?

Over here we have had night frost these last few nights. But it's mostly light frost we're having. Snow is something we hardly ever have.

Matron said...

I just love the perfume of plumeria! I only have a few days to go before I fly to Madeira for a short break.. then I will be able to smell it for myself. It's below freezing here in London and the days are so short! Thank you for cheering me up with your wonderful photos!!

Linda said...

I love to see all your lovely blooms, especially when we are expecting a huge snowstorm of up to 30 cm. of snow. Stop by and see my unusual bloom for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.

The Gardener Side

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Lovely December blooms! Thanks for sharing.

kate smudges said...

I love Plumeria - and how cool to have both a white and red variety.

When I saw the Salvia, I realised I haven't seen many since frost hit.

You are so fortunate not to have much frost, dear Green Thumb. The weather must be a nice change from the really hot days.

Carol Michel said...

All your flowers look great, especially for December. I wonder what January will bring, as your weather seems quite mild.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Julie said...

Beautiful photos!!! Lovely winter there so far!

Anonymous said...

Nice Flowers...

Andrea's Garden said...

Your winter garden is still showing off in colors. I am jealous! The weather in Germany is freezing cold at the moment, actually -5 ° C at 11:30 pm. :-) Have a nice week, Andrea

A wildlife gardener said...

What a treat to see all that wonderful colour in your garden, dear Green Thumb, as we were sitting at minus 12 yesterday and minus 5 this morning :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful color, as always. Thanks for sharing.

Entangled said...

I came here hoping to see tropical flowers and my wish is fulfilled! The plumerias (and all, but especially the plumerias) are just beautiful!

Tira said...

Lots of lovely, colorful blooms for you! I return home next week after a month of travel and wonder what my garden is like.

MrBrownThumb said...

Your Plumerias are awesome. I like the Dahlia in your sidebar too, very dramatic.

kate said...

Just dropped by, Green Thumb dear, to say hello and wish you a wonderful and happy New Year!!

Lots of hugs
Kate ox

Miranda Bell said...

I wish our garden in Brittany looked as colourful - the Helebores are on their way though as well as the Daphne which I love... your garden must be wonderful with all these plants at this time of year.
Happy New Year when it comes... Miranda

Hayden said...

ohh, I'm so jealous of your Plumeria!

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Happy New Year! Best wishes from Tyra in Vaxholm

Anonymous said...

b e a u t i f u l Plumeria! :))) so are mine!

Julie said...

Today is Jan 1, 2008! Happy New year to you and your family!

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Dear Green Thumb, a very Happy and healthy New Year to you and yours with loads of garden fun and blogging!

Sue Swift said...

Hi Green Thumb,
Happy new Year! I hope the long silence is only because you've been (enjoyably) busy ...

Just wanted to tell you that we're now gearing up for round 2 of the Garden Bloggers' Carnival -a bit different this time, in that I'm asking people to nominate a post from another person's blog. Full details on my blog today (Jan 3rd). I hope you'll participate again, like you did last time. And of course, if anyone else reads this, please join in!


Annie in Austin said...

Happy 2008 to you and your family, Green Thumb - we still had color in Austin for blooming day, too - but the freezes have changed the landscape now - maybe you'll escape them and still be enjoying fragrant plumeria on January 15th?

Annie at the Transplantable Rose


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