Plants, Places...or plain chatter of a restless mind...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Blooms, Bonsais and more....
Just when my frustration on the lack of any collective gardening activity in my city was brewing to the brim, there came this welcome news: a flower show was being organized by the Saharanpur Botanical Garden or the so called Company Bagh here.
The Company Bagh takes its origin from the days of British Raj, during which this huge garden was developed with saplings and plants brought in from far off lands like Kashmir and Bengal; in fact Company in the nomenclature comes from British East India Company.
It was much more than being just a flower show; there was a breathtaking array of beautiful flowers, painstakingly and patiently grown Bonsais, shapely succulents and cacti, plants which I never knew can be grown here…It was a very satisfying outing and did help in easing out my disgruntlement, stemming out of my perception regarding lack of any gardening sense in this place.
There probably is no better treat for a plant lover than to see so many diverse varieties, in all splendor and bloom, aggregated at one place.
Seeing all of this color together in one place reminds me of the flowers in Holland that are awaiting shipping to places all around the the spring. All of that color in one spot is just amazing to see...and that it is all alive and living is mindblowing!
This sounds (and looks) just like something I'd love to do! I really enjoy garden tours and displays, and this is the time of year that they are held. Can't wait! Aiyana
Great photos! I really envy you being able to hold a plant show outdoors this part of the year. This is the time for swedish garden fairs, but they are all held indoors due to the weather (cold, rain and sometimes sleet).
Oh this is lovely, very nicely arranged, We can share our feeling, love and care to someone by giving flower bouquet, this is always a best option as a gift, I am also providing flower bouquet designs and gift ideas, visit this site for more information.
wow this is the best and unique idea i have ever we can make our special moments more joyful thanks for sharing this information to know more visit here
I always prefer a flower bouquet as a gifts, flowers are the best option for expressing our feeling, love and care, i am florist and sharing my some of amazing designs of bouquet, have a look it once, find more for more information, you will find useful.
There are few things more satisfying for a gardener than seeing lots and lots of different plants together in one place.
I enjoyed your tour and found it interesting to hear about a bit of history with the Company!
Seeing all of this color together in one place reminds me of the flowers in Holland that are awaiting shipping to places all around the the spring. All of that color in one spot is just amazing to see...and that it is all alive and living is mindblowing!
Seems to have been a great floral show! Thanks for sharing.
/Katarina at Roses and stuff
This sounds (and looks) just like something I'd love to do! I really enjoy garden tours and displays, and this is the time of year that they are held. Can't wait!
Great photos! I really envy you being able to hold a plant show outdoors this part of the year. This is the time for swedish garden fairs, but they are all held indoors due to the weather (cold, rain and sometimes sleet).
The East India Company didn't spare even gardens of India, it seems! It is a super display of cute and cool flowers of Company Bagh!
Amazing displays! How did you ever get out without a wagon full of plants behind you?
I think I have to lie down now, I've just OD-ed on that gorgeous and colourful flower display! :-)
Thanks for sharing these lovely pics!
I could see a variety of beautiful flowers! Probably same professionals have the same tastes! You could visit my
Bonsai! makes me feel sad. Do we have a right to stunt nature?
Oh this is lovely, very nicely arranged, We can share our feeling, love and care to someone by giving flower bouquet, this is always a best option as a gift, I am also providing flower bouquet designs and gift ideas, visit this site for more information.
wow this is the best and unique idea i have ever we can make our special moments more joyful thanks for sharing this information
to know more visit here
I always prefer a flower bouquet as a gifts, flowers are the best option for expressing our feeling, love and care, i am florist and sharing my some of amazing designs of bouquet, have a look it once, find more for more information, you will find useful.
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