Human nature can be so capricious; there was a time, just three months back, when I was almost cursing the weather for being too cold, and today, with the May Sun shining overhead in its full glory at 43 degree Celsius, I am yearning for the ‘good old, nail biting, mind numbing, freezing’ cold days!

The garden is feeling the heat too. Roses are drying, croton is definitely not looking happy with the weather.

Temperatures here are now running in the Forties and they can be absolutely hellish in the noon; but when in I look at the defiantly standing heat loving plants I get inspired to not to be bogged down by the heat, instead to face the weather proactively without allowing it to sap my spirits out.
Manihot Esculanta
Quisqualis Indica or Rangoon creeper

After all it might be intolerably, unbearably hot out there…But who minds the heat when it is also the time for the luscious Mangoes, juicy pomegranates – which are growing in my garden – lovely watermelons, muskmelons, litchis, peaches…not in the garden but available in the market. This juicy summer bonanza does take the sting out of summers somewhat.

Summer is also the time for visitors of a different kind, like this Dragonfly(popularly known here as Helicopter insect), which thoughtfully paused for this shot!

Times change and with it the weather; each season comes with its distinct flavor and frustrations; it is up to us to either savor the flavor or to whine about the heat. It cannot be easy to remain cheerful outdoors with sweat tumbling in loads and blood sucking mosquitoes trying to make the most of your presence, but with the beautiful blooms beckoning, I lift my spade and shovel and go gardening to reap the fruits of my Sweat and Blood – literally!
You are like me, dear Green thumb...a very positive person. Gardeners have to be...or they wouldn't last long.
It must be very difficult to garden in such hot temperatures, but you are revelling in the plants which survive.
There are many plants which do not grow for me as we are 225 metres above sea level and have harsh gales and a windswept I am only able to only grow plants which survive here :)
Hi Green Thumb,
It is hard to remain upbeat when the weather is extreme (heat or cold, I figure). But wow, you have some amazing fruit to look forward to. I remember seeing a picture of Gulmohar on Priya's blog, I was impressed with the red of the blossoms.
Clicking on your photographs makes each plan show their amazing beauty. The Rangoon Creeper is gorgeous. I love the way the blossoms hang down.
LOL...Just call me the lazy gardener! I cannot tolerate the heat to do anything outside in the summer here...hence the succulents! Everything else out in the yard either lives or dies till it's over! LOL. I am so BAD!!! Anyway...I just feel I MUST have some of that type Caladium as soon as I can find one here! That thing is drop dead gorgeous!!! I LOVEEEEE it so just has my name written all over it. Do you see the little tiny "Julie's" written in pink??? Thanks for showing it!!!
Summer arrives! You have also clicked some visitors of your garden (Dragon fly). You have said the roses are drying. You can visit my blog and see how I get lot of roses in this Summer! I have also another blog Web & computer users!I now use the nickname: COSMOS on your comment!
Visit and the new
W.G - Yes dear W.G, one has to be positive in outlook and why only in gardening, in fact in anything we do positive thought is THE important thing to have.
KATE - Hi dear Kate! It is difficult to remain upbeat in extreme weather conditions but when you can't avoid it, better enjoy it:-)
JULIE - Now that you mention it, it does have your name written all over:-)). I like your style of gardening - it is not being Bad at all, your succulents are sooo lovely.
It sounds silly compared to your temperatures, but we have been sweltering here in London at 82degrees this week! Unfortunately still not warm enough to grow mangoes - I am so jealous, how wonderful!
I remember hot weather like this all too well when I lived in the Midwestern USA. At the moment we are enjoying 26° in Germany. It could stay like that forever. Hang in there ... cooler temperatures will come your way. Greetings, Andrea
Good grief!! It took me a minute to realize that 43 degrees Celsius was 109 degrees intrepid you must be to take out that spade and shovel, Green Thumb!
You have some remarkably lovely plants still looking fresh...the caladiums and fruit trees especially.
I wear a big hat when gardening - do you keep your head shaded by a hat, too?
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
I take my hat off to you dear Green Thumb for working in your garden at these high temperatures. I'm very glad to see that there are many compensations for those high temperatures in the form of lovely blooms and scrumptious harvests.
And you are so right, we gardeners tend to have a very positive attitude which is a big help in other parts of life too.
Happy daily positive thoughts my dear!
Wow. I thought we were hot here in Trinidad at 34C. I take my hat off to you. I'm surprised that your caladiums are so resilient. I'm now convinced that my own are just sissies.
I'm always amazed at how similar our landscapes are- same plants, same colouring. How humid are you?
Matron - Welcome to Indiagarden. Mangoes are one reason that I do not mind this weather too much. It must be pretty pleasant in London?
Andrea - Thanks for the pleasant wishes dear. Hearing about the 26 degrees in Germany makes me wish to fly there for the rest of summers:-)
Annie - Well dear Annie I cannot smart under all that praise as I take out my spade and shovel only in the evenings when the temperatures have become friendlier.
Yolanda - Thanks dear and same to You. I read somewhere that even a single negative thought should be driven out of our mind like Plague; difficult to practice but very important to try.
Sharon - hi Sharon! Welcome to Indiagarden. It is Hot but not very humid; humidity will start increasing from 1st week of June onwards, it will be then that the heat becomes actually unbearable and irritating.
Can i add ur blog to my blogroll and vice-versa?
Very nice Caladium.. Looks like paint splashed on leaves evenly
I am a newcomer to this site and to blogging as well.I was very impressed by your blogs which inspired me to write something.I am an amateur gardener.With two babies i can only manage to handle a little patch of green.You can have a look.Love all your plants and efforts.
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