Ideally going by the kind of weather in early January I would have thought that I have seen the last and also the worst of winters. But owing to some unfathomable reasons winters made a comeback and that too with a vengeance. 0 degree C was a temperature unheard of in my part of the country, so when the mercury plummeted to -1degrees yesterday, everyone was caught unawares by the chilling surprise- including the plants.Skies have been reasonably clear with ample sunshine but it is the cool winds which have been the culprit responsible for the sudden dip in temperature.
Roses have stood their ground defiantly against these odds.
Ornamental Kale or Brassica Oleracea is throwing its beautiful curly leaves around. I recently found that the leaves are edible and the plant is known for its sturdiness in facing extreme colds; I’ll make use of the newly acquired knowledge and try it in salad.
Things are not as Hunky-dory elsewhere: Both Plumeria and The Buddha Belly Plant have shed their leaves and stand denuded waiting for warmer times; yet there is an abstract beauty in these dendrites which captures the sight to present the picture of a winter garden.
This succulent which was a pleasant green in monsoon season, decided to change to a dull red to protest against the numbing cold.
Well plants have their own inbuilt mechanisms of adaptation, but that is not so about one other important being of my life, and for her, I have to actively intervene to swathe her in winter clothing.
With Bruno, I don’t have to be very fussy as he comes naturally with a majestic chocolate-brown fur coat; the warmth of his coat takes the chill away when in his affectionate moods he decides to take a short nap lying on my feet.
It is always wonderful to be a part of GBBD, so thoughtfully started by Carol at Maydreamsgardens. Looking at all the blooms, Photographing them, compiling them, makes you thank nature and also to feel fortunate for being able to appreciate nature’s bounty in your own garden. This GBBD being the first of a fresh New Year 2008 makes it all the more special.
Winters, as they are not very severe in my part of the world, have allowed for the garden to be covered in some color:
Almost a month since my last post; This time the reason was beyond me as something went awfully wrong with my internet connection and it took several days and a lot of pushing and prodding the concerned authorities to correct it.
As they say that everything which happens has something good hidden in it; this experience made me appreciate the importance of blogging and internet, something which had become almost for granted in life. It feels like a castaway without internet, without being able to read other blogs, without being able to share my feelings and my garden, and also very importantly for missing the opportunity to convey my New Year wishes to all of you. Well, better late than never, and so-A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 to all of you.
Being robbed temporarily of internet has made me more conscious to the importance of a huge blessing, that internet is. With a renewed sense of Bonhomie I post the pics of my favorite flower of the season-Chrysanthemum!
Chrysanthemums were gracing my garden in mid December and inevitably nature claimed its creation by the 1st week of this year, when it got frosty and bitingly cold. With a sense of nostalgia I post the pictures of their lovely blooms.