Plants, Places...or plain chatter of a restless mind...
Friday, January 11, 2008
Cursed Computer and Chrysanthemums
Almost a month since my last post; This time the reason was beyond me as something went awfully wrong with my internet connection and it took several days and a lot of pushing and prodding the concerned authorities to correct it.
As they say that everything which happens has something good hidden in it; this experience made me appreciate the importance of blogging and internet, something which had become almost for granted in life. It feels like a castaway without internet, without being able to read other blogs, without being able to share my feelings and my garden, and also very importantly for missing the opportunity to convey my New Year wishes to all of you. Well, better late than never, and so-A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 to all of you.
Being robbed temporarily of internet has made me more conscious to the importance of a huge blessing, that internet is. With a renewed sense of Bonhomie I post the pics of my favorite flower of the season-Chrysanthemum!
Chrysanthemums were gracing my garden in mid December and inevitably nature claimed its creation by the 1st week of this year, when it got frosty and bitingly cold. With a sense of nostalgia I post the pictures of their lovely blooms.
I'm glad that your internet problems could be solved, so we have the opportunity again to visit your garden :-) ! I'm astonished to read that you have cold periods too and I'm wondering HOW cold it could be in your country i.e. the place where you live. Here in Switzerland we have winter with real cold temperatures (below 0°Celsius). The Chrysanthemums are typical autumn plants here and actually all gone. Kind regards, Barbara
Glad to see you are back-I'd go crazy without internet access, as my job depends upon it-I actually have 2 broadband providers-so I could understand your frustration. The chrysanthemums are beautiful. Looking forward to see what you have for blooms day.
very pretty december flowers! it is cold here in december and our flowers have already gone to sleep for the winter. we are avid gardeners, too, and miss our gardens in winter. soon spring will arrive and our hearts will be lightened by the glorious colors which greet us each day!
Dear Green Thumb, welcome back! It is amazing how important computers have become in our lives, especially in the lives of us garden bloggers. ;-) Computers are indeed a blessing but only when they work properly, if not they are a curse. ;-)
How you must have enjoyed all those pretty Mums in all those wonderful colours.
Happy New Year, Green Thumb - and I'm glad to know your absence was technological rather than personal. The internet has added a great deal to my life, too, so I can sympathise with your plight!
I'm glad that your internet problems could be solved, so we have the opportunity again to visit your garden :-) ! I'm astonished to read that you have cold periods too and I'm wondering HOW cold it could be in your country i.e. the place where you live. Here in Switzerland we have winter with real cold temperatures (below 0°Celsius). The Chrysanthemums are typical autumn plants here and actually all gone.
Kind regards,
Glad to see you are back-I'd go crazy without internet access, as my job depends upon it-I actually have 2 broadband providers-so I could understand your frustration. The chrysanthemums are beautiful. Looking forward to see what you have for blooms day.
very pretty december flowers! it is cold here in december and our flowers have already gone to sleep for the winter. we are avid gardeners, too, and miss our gardens in winter. soon spring will arrive and our hearts will be lightened by the glorious colors which greet us each day!
Dear Green Thumb, welcome back! It is amazing how important computers have become in our lives, especially in the lives of us garden bloggers. ;-) Computers are indeed a blessing but only when they work properly, if not they are a curse. ;-)
How you must have enjoyed all those pretty Mums in all those wonderful colours.
A very Happy New Year to you too!
Hi Green Thumb,
I am glad to see you back. I kept checking to see if you had any new posts and thought that you were just busy with the holiday season.
Happy New Year to you! Your Chrysanthemums are beautiful. You have a good variety of colours!
Happy New Year, Green Thumb - and I'm glad to know your absence was technological rather than personal. The internet has added a great deal to my life, too, so I can sympathise with your plight!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
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